South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania
From: David Clement
To: Graham Wilkinson
Cc: Environmental Defenders' Office, Michael Polley
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 5:38 AM
Mr Wilkinson,
I refer you to the email to Mr S Manson of today's date, copied to you, regarding the failure of hazard identification, risk assessment and prescription in respect of the Jubilee Mine workings underlying the above coupe.
In these circumstances, and the fundamental failure by Forestry Tasmania to fulfil the requirements of the Forest Practices Code in respect of the General Principles and the Basic Approach to planning operations, regarding the collection of site information (page 3) and failing to make provisions in the Plan regarding 'basic features of the area (such as) landslide potential', I ask that the Board revoke the certification of the above Plan under s24A(1) of the Forestry Act 1995, and that Forestry Tasmania is instructed immediately not to proceed with any road or harvest operations until the revocation process has been undertaken
David Clement
We have received no response for days
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