South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

image gallery

South Sister on fire

A 360° view taken from the top of South Sister

An animated pictoral of rock climbing (475 KB) showing rock climbing guru John Fantini.

Media Day at South Sister, 9 March, 2005

March 7, 2005 - the blockade

Images at Tribunal hearings on 4 March, 2005

March 2, 2005 - roadworks at South Sister

More images, 25 February, 2005

Day 2 of vigil at entrance to logging coupe, 22 February

Start of the logging process, 21 February 2005

South Sister poster by Arthur, depicting the fauna - prints available at $15.00 each.

Cultural heritage - tree stumps from past logging on coupe.

Rock climbing

The Walking Track

Views of South Sister

Scene from proposed coupe to be logged

Peak of South Sister taken from the east

Giant Velvet Worm - photo courtesy of P. McQuillan

View of the Sisters taken from the bottom of St. Marys Pass near the Falmouth turnoff

Where the action starts: signpost at the bottom of South Sister Road and entrance to the logging coupe

Launch night photos, 17 Sept. 2004

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