South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania
South Sister on fire
A 360° view taken from the top of South Sister
An animated pictoral of rock climbing (475 KB) showing rock climbing guru John Fantini.
Media Day at South Sister, 9 March, 2005
March 7, 2005 - the blockade
Images at Tribunal hearings on 4 March, 2005
March 2, 2005 - roadworks at South Sister
More images, 25 February, 2005
Day 2 of vigil at entrance to logging coupe, 22 February
Start of the logging process, 21 February 2005
South Sister poster by Arthur, depicting the fauna - prints available at $15.00 each.
Cultural heritage - tree stumps from past logging on coupe.
Views of South Sister
Scene from proposed coupe to be logged
Peak of South Sister taken from the east
Giant Velvet Worm - photo courtesy of P. McQuillan
View of the Sisters taken from the bottom of St. Marys Pass near the Falmouth turnoff
Where the action starts: signpost at the bottom of South Sister Road and entrance to the logging coupe
Launch night photos, 17 Sept. 2004
50419-21534 (6, 8, 43, 135)