South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

views of south sister

Here are some images of the South Sister

[click on thumbnails for larger images]

pix 1 This marks the start of the South Sister Road which runs through a Eucalyptus brookeriana forest. These trees may not be logged as part of the RFA, however some of the trees are likely to be sacrificed to widen the road. pix 2 Entrance to road
pix 3 The road through the coupe which will be widened to make way for log trucks. pix 4 Nicholas Range taken from the Esk Highway. South Sister is shown on the right of the photos
pix 5 St. Marys peak pix 6 South Sister (tallest peak on far right) taken from Scamander beach.
pix 7 South sister peak and southern slope of South Sister taken from German Town. Much of this forest will be logged leaving an obvious scar visible to tourists and residents. pix 8 South Sister taken from St Marys (southern view).
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