South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania
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27. Carol and John Carr, Australia - latrobedrc~AT~bigpond~DOT~com
My husband and I visited Tasmania in February 2006 and we were lucky to stumble across South Sister! We loved the whole place and experience. The challenge of climbing the stone steps to the top and enjoying the magnificent views!! We felt like we were in the middle of nowhere. We still talk about our wonderful visit to South Sister. Please keep it free from logging!!!!!
26. Louisa Mason, UK - louisa_mason~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
We are family in the UK of Ashley Mason and want to show our full support for your efforts to save the South Sister. Good luck for 2008!
Louisa, JJ, Nigel, Pauline, Audrey and Ron Mason
25. Peter, St. Marys, Tasmania - wildlifetasmania~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Hi there,
We at 'Carers for Wildlife Tasmania Inc.' would like to give our full support after the fires and take this opportunity to thank all the members of SOS for their work on saving the beautiful Sisters who will recover and look wonderful after a few rains.
We would also like to bring to everyones attention the plight of the orphaned and injured wildlife at the Sisters.
If anyone would like to help, please visit our website at where you are able to find out info on how you can assist the local carers. Have a wonderful and safe Xmas and New Year
24. Roderick William Lohrey, Tunbridge, Tasmania - dor~AT~iinet~DOT~net~DOT~au
hello to you, my great grandfather was william lohrey of daisyburne property, my other great grandfather was john speers of derry lodge at dublintown. my father, almost 91 yrs, often tells of his father charles lohrey, walking from dublintown, around mt nicholas to a property he was establishing at legerwood. recently at the archives office i found a full page weekly courier newspaper photo spread detailing, in photographic form, the speers and lohrey families pioneering settlement at dublin town. the south sister is a major feature of the page. my father is an ex timber mill owner and briefly woodchipping contractor!!!! i am greatly concerned with the desecration of such an icon. dad often speaks of the hospitality of the lohrey sisters at daisyburne, [his aunties], people would visit st marys from all over the world and would ask what is there to do in st marys? they often were told to go to visit the lohreys. people stayed with them for days and would often return in later years to stay again. if you would like me to send a copy of the page, no problem. i havent climbed to the top of the south sister but dad tells me the views are very fine. he climbed it as a child. i would like any info on the lohrey/speers family, but most importantly, would like to assist your campaign in any way i can. i will be visiting st marys soon to climb the edifice. the page i spoke of was photographed in 1906. i fervently hope this insidious proposal may be defeated, rod.
23. Francesca, Bristol, UK - francesca~AT~cesca~DOT~org~DOT~uk
Seems that you are keeping very busy in Tazmania ... just want to wish you every success in your campain on what is a very important issue. Looking at the photos of beautiful South Sister I can understand your passion and the imperative. Good luck in your continuing battle.
22. Jeff Richards, Adelaide, S.A. - geoffare~AT~bigpond~DOT~net~DOT~au
Dear South Sister,
I have been reading about your fight in Green Left Weekly. Its good to see your wonderful work stopping profiteers from trashing yet another beautiful place. All I can do from this distance is send you some money to help. It will be in the post tomorrow.
Best wishes
21. John Fry, Launceston - miffjohn~AT~bigpond~DOT~com
To all the brave, dedicated SOS people who have worked so hard to save this beautiful special place from the shortsighted greed of a few. Thankyou for caring. The website is great in being able to access current and factual information not available through the mainstream media. Please keep up the great work and don't give up the fight. I have visited SS a couple of times recently will go on supporting the cause until the end. 2005/02/25
20. Sandra John, Western Creek, Tasmania - innisfield~AT~bigpond~DOT~com
The very idea of logging a site like the Sisters is heartbreaking and infuriating. When will they ever learn? My dream tells me the mountain won't like it at all and won't Forestry look foolish if that fault worsens? I sincerely hope they will see the light before the damage is done and you will have the success you so richly deserve. 2005/02/23
19. David Schier, Tatura, Victoria (formerly of Falmouth)
Congrats on the web site. Hard to believe, that with so much scientific evidence available these days, that such a pristine and fragile area could ever be contemplated for logging. Its equally hard to accept that the Minister for Forestry cannot find an acceptable solution so as to preserve this area for all time. I wish the South Sister supporters every success. 2005/02/21
18. Janine Kilgour, Queensland - janine~AT~webtrontech~DOT~com
Thank you to everyone involved in trying to halt this atrocity.
I'm in the mainland, Qld and I'll be doing what I can along with other interested parties up here, to help stop this logging and to raise money to fight this corrupt infringment of St. Marys residents right to be heard according to the law.
My thoughts are with you all, I wish I could be there. We must demand the media investigate, I have yet to read anything in the mainland newspapers. Keep writing and demanding. Stay strong everyone, this is a battle we cannot lose. 2005/02/20
17. Ollie and Sabine, Cambodia - iolanthe11~AT~gmail~DOT~com
dear all,
thanks for updating us. we can just imagine how nightmarish the situation is for all of you, putting so much effort, and yet the government not heeding your call.
Keep going but do take care of yourself.
Ollie and Sabine. 2005/02/20
16. Karine SAEHR, France - Saekarine~AT~aol~DOT~com
Dear all,
Thanks for your last up date of the situation. Thanks for all of you who fight to preserve your country.
I've been there some years ago, visiting the area, and I've felt so well. I think that your Sisters are just beautiful. I've had a real great time, spending time with friends and also in the forest enjoying the parfums, the land scape and the calm.
You have all my support and prayers.
Don't give up please.
Karine. 2005/02/20
15. Marjorie Kanagaratnam, Hobart (ex St. Marys) - marjorieek~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Congratulations all on this excellent website and on the work so many people are doing. I particularly like the flora lists & links -very impressive. Some might be interested in this anecdote:
In the summer of 1995/96, 2 cyclists came to holiday at Seaview Farm. One (maybe both) worked for a bicycle courier service in the heart of Melboune (flat out, fast riding, weaving amongst traffic all day long).
They fell absolutely in love with South Sister and rode their bikes up there numerous times,at all different times of the day and night. They would stay up there for hours watching the moon, listening to the wind, enjoying the views, resting in the shade, chewing the fat, boiling their billy, meditating, whatever. They found it absolutely special & spectacular as does just about anyone who has spent any time there.
I hope Forestry Tasmania expediency & the big guns don't win out over the myriad merits of the mountain. 2005/01/13
14. Alison Moore, Patersonia, Tasmania - bushbeats~AT~ozemail~DOT~com~DOT~au
Angus and I visited SS last Friday evening and watched the sun set over the mountains and sea.What fantastic views and diverse flora and fauna. HOW CAN THIS BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN BE EVEN CONSIDERED FOR LOGGING TODAY? The long term value of this landscape for both humans, plant and animal species should be top priority for the Tas government to protect and conserve. Landscapes like this inspire the human spirit and as such should never be measured in short term monetary gain. 2005/01/22
13. somsakun sutthipong, Thailand - somsakun555~AT~yahoo~DOT~com
I visited the two sisters many years ago and was very impressed by the beautiful nature which is very fresh. In present world we need nature, we can not let anybody destroys the nature anymore. Can't beleive that it's the government idea logging the two sisters, how stupid they are.
All who involve in antilogging, you've done a wonderful work. Keep up good fight for all of us. Thank you. 2005/01/05
12. hannah baker , Tasmania - zujigirl~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
hey glenn and everyone else
you have done a great job here.
by the way it is hannah baker here...
i used to live at daisey dell.
keep fighting for our sister guyss!!!
lve from hannah. 2004/12/25
11. Maureen Turner, Colyton, Devonshire. United Kingdom - mjgyp~AT~fish~DOT~co~DOT~uk
Keep up the good fight. This is part of your National Heritage and you must save it. Not just for yourselves now but for those who who will come after you. With very best wishes and Good Luck. 2004/12/07
10. Melanie Casey, St. Marys, Tasmania - mels55~AT~bigpond~DOT~com
Glenn, you have done the most wonderful job!
I speak for everyone, I'm sure, when I say we are indebted to you for the time you have spent on building this resource for us! Thankyou so much.
To everyone reading this page, please recommend this website to as many people as you can.
We must continue to inform and encourage each other, as we fight to see our beloved South and North Sisters saved, as they are, for perpetuity. 2004/09/26
9. Sue Bascombe - seb~AT~sa~DOT~chariot~DOT~net~DOT~au
Have been browsing through the web site.
Congratulations to all involved in setting this up.
The area is definitely worth fighting for.
Can recommmend any one who is in that area to take their time and have a good look around.
Keep fighting and keep up the good work. 2004/09/22
8. Jenny Quinn 15, Tasmania - jenny_anne~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Look at South Sister, standing tall.
If we don't act now they'll demolish it all.
So jump on the phone, write on some paper, or you'll be sorry if you wait till later! 2004/09/21
7. Richard Broadbent - praxised~AT~yahoo~DOT~com
I visited the two sisters area a few years ago and was very taken with its unique Tolkien aura. As a former logger with MacMillan Bloedel (British Columbia), I understand the economic imperative but also understand how unique areas can be so easily and quickly lost forever.
Another point - the theory of multiple resource use - advanced by most natural resource interests (politicians) in the developed world recognizes the bona fide differing needs of the multiple users and therefore must be given more than lip service if it is to garner any degree of legitmacy. The protection of areas of unique flora/fauna or tourism potential need to be balanced against the quick and temporary returns of wood harvesting. In doing so, decision makers demonstrate a degree of maturity worthy of the role models that they often ascribe toward.
Good luck Tasmanians in saving this unique area for future generations of users. 2004/09/20
6. Julia Weston, St. Marys, Tasmania - julia~DOT~seaview~AT~intas~DOT~net~DOT~au
This is really good. Full marks Glenn for your hardwork. I've been emailing anyone I can think of, all over the world, and giving them the site address - to spread the word far and wide. Very exciting. Thanks. 2004/09/20
5. Andrew Lohrey, Tasmania - Andrew~DOT~Lohrey~AT~uq~DOT~edu~DOT~au
Congratulations its a wonderful community effort! The web site looks great. It will be a good place to post all the information about SOS. 2004/09/20
4. Bryn Norton - bnorton~AT~zone~DOT~com~DOT~au
This is a great site
A pat on the back to u. 2004/09/20
3. Steve Jay, Tasmania - steve~AT~izzythedog~DOT~net
3. Well, this looks like it works, but it's definitely a cause worth a couple of sleepless nights to get the server working. 2004/09/20
2. Glenn Alldis, Tasmania - rivendell~AT~etas~DOT~ws
Welcome to the guestbook for the Save Our Sisters site. Please enter your comments. Get involved and Save Our Sisters! 2004/09/20
1. Webapprentice, Tasmania - mail~AT~southsister~DOT~org
South Sister has had changes of domain name and hosting service as well as installed a new guestbook. Previous messages have been transferred manually hence correct date of posting is what appears below text body on the left and not that to the right. 2004/10/24
Added 2005/04/14 - we've had some problems with our guestbook script and have converted the guestbook to manual entry.
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