South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister Evidence

edo writes to FPA

Isobel Stanley
Forest Practices Authority
30 Patrick Street
Hobart, TAS 7000
7 November 2005

Dear Ms Stanley

FPP PWJ 0010 (2004-0452)
Coupe NI114A South Sister, St Marys

We refer to the letter to Dr Daily of 26 October 2005 advising that the Forest Practices Authority is satisfied with the evidence it has received in respect of landslip risks on Coupe NI 114A.

As you are aware, residents in the South Sister area recently withdrew their application to restrain proposed forestry operations following the submission of new evidence by Forestry Tasmania. However, Ralph Rallings has raised serious concerns about the veracity of this evidence. We enclose correspondence from Mr Rallings for your consideration.

Given the lack of due diligence discussed by Mr Rallings, we do not believe that it is appropriate for the Forest Practices Authority to rely on the evidence provided without further enquiry.

We request that the Forest Practices Authority consider revoking or varying the forest practices plan to prevent harvesting in risk areas (particularly Zone E, as described by Mr Rallings). We request that forestry operations on the coupe not commence until the Forest Practices Authority has considered what action to take in this matter.

Thank you for your assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss this matter.

Yours faithfully,


Environmental Defenders Office (Tas) Inc

Jessica Feehely
Principal Lawyer

Encl: Letter from Ralph Rallings

No response for days

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