South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister

letter to c. mitchell, fpa

[Original letter to FPA Chair I. Stanley was answered by C. Mitchell who appeared to be responding in his capacity of Acting Chair of the Board - no explanation was given as to why he answered the letter]

Dr Frances Daily
13 November, 2005

Chris Mitchell
Acting Chief Forest Practices Officer
(email redacted)
Forest Practices Authority

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your letter of October 26th in reply to my original letter to Ms Stanley (October 24, 2005) regarding meeting between experts involved in discussions about Coupe NI114A at South Sister near St Marys.

I was very disappointed that my request for a meeting between stakeholders i.e. Forestry Tasmania and representing experts, Forest Practices Authority, Mineral Resources Tasmania and Save our Sisters experts was denied.
I was rather startled to read that 'The Authorities..... (were) satisfied with the expert evidence it has received and considers that the Forest Practices Plan ....adequately addresses the issues of land stability....'

As you may now be aware, (if indeed you have received additional correspondence sent to Ms Stanley), that Mr Rallings has revisited the South Sister and carefully mapped various features including the 'road batter collapse' south of the German Town Spring and the 'loading bay' identified by Dr McIntosh/Mr Weldon and described in their report of September 27, 2005. There are irregularities and errors in the figures presented in this report some of which were noticed by myself and confirmed by Mr Rallings last weekend. These errors and irregularities have significant ramifications and it would be imprudent of FPA not to address these issues immediately.

It is extremely disappointing that FPA continues to hold the opinion that FPA 'experts' are always correct despite some of them being considerably less qualified and/or experienced in land stability issues than Ralph Rallings and David Stapledon who have been representing Save our Sisters members. As a professional person I am astonished that little consideration has been given to the expertise and experience of these experts and that their reports and professional opinions continue to be ignored.

I propose that FPA recommend to Forestry Tasmania to refrain from logging the coupe until an independent survey has been carried out by Mineral Resources Tasmania or a person or persons identified by MRT to be suitably qualified and experienced. It is imperative that this problem be adequately and professionally addressed by suitably qualified, experienced and independent persons as soon as possible.

I also again call on you as I did in my letter to Ms Stanley of October 24th to call a meeting of relevant stakeholders to discuss this very important issue.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


Dr Frances Daily
(email redacted)

cc Ms Isobel Stanley, Chair Directors Forest Practices Authority
Ms Penny Wells, Member of Board of Directors, FPA
Mr Mark Leech, Member of Board of Directors, FPA
Mr Alan Watson, Member of Board of Directors, FPA
Ms Meredith Roodenrys, Member of Board of Directors, FPA
Dr Peter Davies, Member of Board of Directors, FPA
Mr Graham Wilkinson, Chief Forest Practices Officer
Ms Jess Feehely, Environmental Defender's Office
Mr John MacDonald, Forestry Tasmania
Mr Ralph Rallings (redacted)
Ms Carol Bacon, Mineral Resources Tasmania
Hon Bryan Green, Minister of Infrastructure, Resources and Energy
Mr Evan Rolley, Forestry Tasmania

We have been waiting days for a reply.

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