South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania
Dr Frances Daily
24 October 2005
Isobel Stanley
Forest Practices Authority
30 Patrick Street
Hobart, TAS. 7000
Dear Ms Stanley
Further to my letter of 14 October 2005, I would like to request a meeting to discuss our continuing concerns about the proposed harvesting of Coupe NI 114A at South Sister.
In an interview with ABC radio on 4 October 2005, Kim Creak stated that Forestry Tasmania would be 'very happy for the expert evidence to be heard.' The members of the Save Our Sisters group are equally keen for the Forest Practices Authority to have the opportunity to consider evidence regarding the risks to land stability and groundwater supplies at South Sister.
In the interests of ensuring that these risks are appropriately managed, and the Forest Practices Code complied with, I request that the Forest Practices Authority convene a meeting between representatives of Forestry Tasmania, Mineral Resources Tasmania and Save Our Sisters. Such a meeting would allow Tasmanian experts engaged by the parties (particularly, Dr McIntosh, Mr Weldon, Mr Rallings and Dr Leaman) to discuss their opinions on the risks associated with harvesting on Coupe NI 114A.
I believe that a frank discussion of the expert evidence would allow you to identify the relevant risks and consider whether management provisions in the current Forest Practices Plan are adequate.
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss the possibility of a meeting. Please also let me know if you would like to receive copies of reports prepared by our experts prior to any meeting. I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Frances Daily
(email redacted)
cc: John McDonald, Forestry Tasmania
Jessica Feehely, Environmental Defenders Office
5671 (1, 2, 15, 44)