South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania
This is a harder walk than the South Sister summit walk as there is no well trodden path. It is quite steep and rugged in places but it is well worth the effort.
There is a small carpark on the eastern side of Dublin Town Road (it is actually a very old over grown logging road that skirts the southern side of the North Sister joining up with Semmens Road below) where the walk begins. The track traverses the western side of the peak through an area with numerous Christmas mintbushes Prostanthera lasianthos which, during the flowering season (spring/summer) is not only a sight worth seeing but they also exude a beautiful fragrance. Some can even be found holding on to the rocks at the summit! The walk continues over scree, before going up a gully and a rock scramble to the summit. There are excellent views north to the Blue Tier and Weldborough Pass, as well as the east coast, the west and views back to the South Sister and Nicholas Range.
On a clear and still day it is absolutely magnificent to be on the North Sister and gives an entirely different perspective of the area. One can truly forget the rest of the world sitting perched on the top of the summit.
The walk takes about 1 to 1.5 hours return.
View of the forest north of the Nicholas Range extending as far north as Pyengana and the Blue Tier. Unfortunately most of this forest is earmarked by Forestry Tasmania for logging | View from North Sister looking northwesterly. |
50717-6226 (1, 2, 16, 36)