South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister Walks - 4

old logging track

Old Logging Track and walks on the southern slopes

This walking track can start in two places - the first on the main South Sister Road or close to the start of the Floral Loop track.

When driving up the South Sister Road, just prior to the Derricks Marsh turnoff, you will see an old road on the left. The walk is best started here going west for a few hundred metres turning south over a fallen log. The track winds its way in a loop south then westerly direction, finishing up by going north to the Derricks Marsh Road.

This area has been selectively logged in the past (providing pitprops for the Jubilee mine). It is a good contrast to the Floral Loop track which has had minimal disturbance as it shows how the understorey fails to recover well after logging. This takes about 30 minutes.

Further walks can be taken south down the steep slopes to the Jubilee Mine. This goes through areas of old landslides and beautiful rainforest areas with numerous ferns including manferns. Once the mine is reached, there is an old pony track which can be taken down to the Gardiners Creek Road.

Jubilee Mine alt text
The Jubilee Mine was closed in 1960. It extends for 300 acres under the proposed coupe Dense forest on the walk south to Jubilee Mine

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50717-6003 (1, 2, 13, 32)