South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister

email to dpiwe

From: Environmental Defenders Office (Tas.) Inc.
To: Director of Environmental Management, DPIWE
8 March 2005
[Email addresses redacted]

Dear Mr Jones

Environmental Harm Caused by Forestry Activities: South Sister

We act for a number of residents who live in the vicinity of proposed logging coupe NI 114A at South Sister, St Marys.

As you may be aware, these residents have made an application to the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal for orders restraining forestry operations on the Coupe pursuant to section 48 of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA). This application alleges that forestry operations on the Coupe will cause environmental harm by:

We understand that you have already been supplied with the following reports regarding these potential impacts:

If you have not received any of these reports, please contact us and we will provide copies.

At the preliminary hearing on 4 March 2005, the Chairman of the Tribunal found that there was a prima facie case and the matter has been listed for a merits hearing on 6-8 June 2005. However, the Chairman refused the application for temporary orders restraining forestry operations until the final hearing. A copy of this decision is enclosed.

We are writing to request that you cause an environment protection notice (EPN) to be issued to Forestry Tasmania or their harvesting contractors restraining forestry operations until the final hearing pursuant to section 44(1) of EMPCA. In support of this request, we submit:

We therefore request that an EPN be issued requiring Forestry Tasmania and its contractors to discontinue harvesting operations on Coupe NI 114A until the determination of Application A8/05 (J Weston & Ors v Forestry Tasmania) by the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter. In accordance with section 61 of EMPCA, please advise us of any action taken in response to this request.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Environmental Defenders Office (Tas) Inc

Jessica Feehely
Principal Lawyer

Encl: Tribunal decision J51/2005

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